Independent Claims Review
- Chamberz provide independent claims review services on the claims prepared by clients’ organisation or by others to provide independent opinion in an objective manner on the strengths and weaknesses of the claims with reference to the contract provisions, relevant facts and established legal principles in a view provide realistic outcome that could expected off from the claims made which would enable early settlement.
- In the independent claim review process, we undertake forensic review of project documents in order to establish relevant facts, forensic delay analysis (if required) and interviews with project personnel in order to establish entitlement and quantum. An independent claims review report would be submitted to the clients for further action.
- Selection of projects to which Chamberz has provided independent claims review services are
Residential building projects
- Provided independent claims review services of a mega media wall project in a shopping and exhibition centre project to the media services contractor involving changes to the media wall concept design and the installation methods.
Shipbuilding projects (Oil Rig & Process Platforms)
- Provided independent claims review services to an EPC contractor in refurbishment of a jack-up rig project in South Asia that included various changes to the employer’s requirements with reference to the offshore survey carried out on the vessel, consequent delays, delay in delivery of vessel for detailed survey, delay in finalisation of new requirements and non-availability of dry-docking facility due to out of sequence activities.
- Provided independent claims review services to an EPC contractor in an offshore project comprising of multiple process platforms connected by subsea pipelines and integrated with new-build platforms of other contractors and existing platforms. Project was executed in various stages including fabrication of topsides in different locations / countries.
Downstream oil & gas projects (Pipeline & Terminal)
- Provided independent claims review services to an EPC contractor in an inter-state crude oil supply pipeline & terminal project in South Asia that involved delays & disruptions and resulting additional time related costs including escalation of material & labour prices.
Power generation projects (Hydroelectric)
- Provided independent claims review services to a civil contractor of a joint venture between a South Asian contractor and a European contractor in a hydroelectric project that involved major tunnelling works